When your company needs to incorporate loan origination and management software into your daily operation, absVision is your solution. absVision is an LOS that simplifies the lending process while offering comprehensive lending and loan software capabilities to your team and customers.
absVision supports a full range of loan types and interest calculations, including:
- Simple interest rates
- Fixed interest rates
- Blended and step rates
- Rule of 78s calculations
- Average daily balances
Whether your company offers auto financing, consumer lending, retail installment, or other loan types, you can expect absVision to deliver benefits like:
Advanced Decisioning
It is time-consuming to gather all necessary applications and documentation for the decisioning process, analyze the pieces, and come to a decision to approve or deny the loan application. absVision lets your employees bypass this dated method of the decisioning process by completing the analysis for you.
Error Prevention
Completing the loan origination process manually opens the door for potential errors. No human is perfect, and lending mistakes will likely happen in loan origination and management without implementing the right software for your team.
absVision allows your team to collect and verify customer information, gather and manage documents, complete decisioning, create reports, and so much more, all with precision and accuracy. Errors are difficult to make and easy to catch with absVision in place.
Clear Communication Capabilities
Communication between your company and your loan customers is a must to keep the lending process on track during the life of the loan. absVision software offers numerous forms of customer communication or communication management, including:
- Email messaging
- Text messaging
- System-generated correspondence
- Collection calls with performance reporting
- Customer relationship management
absVision is a comprehensive loan origination software from Allied Business Systems, your leading partner for lending solutions.
ABS knows the pain points your company faces when it comes to consumer finance, loan origination, or loan management. That’s why we created absVision; it’s the robust, easy-to-use software that simplifies the lending process. Choose the consumer finance software experts! Call us today to learn more about the benefits and capabilities of absVision: 800-727-7534