Electronic signing changed the game of loan originations. It sped up the process which benefits both the borrower and the loan origination company. At Allied Business Systems, we offer DocuSign and Crypton Mobile to capture it. It is an easy process that can benefit your company immensely. Discover the benefits of electronic signing:
1. Saves Your Company Money
Providing electronic signing for your customers eliminates the hassle and cost of printing documents out, sending them to your customers, and waiting for their response. This easy-to-use process will help your customers finish their loan even faster, providing you with more business and clients.
2. Minimizes Paper Consumption
Gone are the days when businesses have floor-to-ceiling filing cabinets… at least we hope so! There is no need to waste space or paper with constant printing and filing. Electronic signing allows you to forego filing cabinets and folders, replacing them with this vital information on your computers and in the cloud.
3. Boosts Convenience & Conversion Rates
We live in a time where convenience and immediate gratification is at the forefront of a person’s mind. If the loan takes too long or requires too many steps, your customer might forego completing the loan. Your customer will appreciate being able to complete his or her loan from the comfort of her own home on the couch.
4. Optimizes Time for Your Employees & Customers
What is the most valuable thing in the world that you can’t buy? Your time! And, chances are, your customer agrees. Use a loan origination and management software that offers electronic signing, as it maximizes your employee’s time and your customer’s time. Ditch wasting precious time by printing, mailing, and waiting for a response from your customer.
Call us today for premier loan origination & management software: 800-727-7534